Is the app free to use?
Yes !
What do I do if my app glitches/ it faces a technical issue?
The easiest way often is to simply log out and re sign-in the app. If that does not work, please email us at info@elred.io
Where can I find the app’s privacy policy and terms of use ?

V. Imp FAQ
Why does it ask for my personal phone number ?
The user profile is an extension of the user personality and not that of the company you may represent. Thus we recommend that your personal phone number is used for signing up and creating a profile.
What is this
under see all ?

It lists all the groups that are part of your network.
What is this feature ?

At onboarding and or on your profile you have the choice to list keywords of what product or service you offer.
Whenever the platform receives a “need” that matches the keywords of what you offer, you would be notified of the same here.
What is this section on “I can offer” ?
You should list keywords of products and services you can offer. By doing so, whenever the platform receives a “need” that matches the keywords of what you offer, you would be notified of the same here customers icon
What is the “offerings gallery" ?
You could create a product or service gallery listing details of what you offer.
Is the app available both on IoS and Android ?
Yes. Please search for el red
Sign up
Why does it ask for my personal phone number ?

The user profile is an extension of the user personality and not that of the company you may represent. Thus we recommend that your personal phone number is used for signing up and creating a profile.
Why does it ask for a phone as well as email OTP ?
Our experience is often we forget our email password and or change phone numbers.
By using both option to “sign up”, we ensure you could use either in the future to “sign in”
What should I do if I do not receive an OTP ?
Kindly check if your mobile service provider network is available. Perhaps try sending a text message to another number to check the mobile network. If this is working then kindly bear with us because the server that provides OTP may be down and you are requested to try after sometime.
How do I change the phone number or email once I have signed up using them ?
Currently the user is required to send us an email ( via his / her secondary email ) and post thorough verification / e kyc, we will change the original email / phone number.
Sign in
Does it require both phone and email OTP for signing in ?
No, you could use either to sign in.
On the Landing Page
What if my landing page is showing this text “We are in Beta testing phase”
Currently we are beta testing only with the Awfis (logo) network. If you are part of awfis (logo) please contact your centre manager for access.
What is the difference between a group and network ?
A network is a collection of groups. A network can have as many groups. Not the other way around.
How does a user get access to any group or network ?
Admin of a group or network adds users and they get a notification.
What are “Needs” on the landing page ?
- Every user mentions what they offer. That automatically gets placed as a collaboration opportunity.
- Also any need placed by any member of your group gets posted here.
Please explain the “network” name & “see all” shown under needs ?
The network name reflects the name of the network your group is part of and “see all” implies that you could refer to all the needs posted on your group.
What is “My content” on the landing page ?
Articles from the internet on topics you may choose to read. Every time you refresh the page, the latest articles will keep being presented to you.

What is this feature?
Each screen has this icon which opens to its feedback section for the user to share on.

What is this feature?

At onboarding and or on your profile you have the choice to list keywords of what product or service you offer.
Whenever the platform receives a “need” that matches the keywords of what you offer, you would be notified of the same here.

Noise / Notification
What is the notification

Notification for needs, offerings, testimonials approvals are displayed on this screen
Some notifications are coming to me by WhatsApp. What are these ?
Leads / possible customers are sent to you over whatsapp. As this is a possible opportunity we share this on el RED as also over whatsapp. You could choose to put a stop to this by simply messaging “stop” to such notifications.

How do I create a need?
Tap the Icon and place a need as easily as you do a google search. Fill in the optional portion if you so wish detailed responses.
Share the need with one or more of your groups.
What is “optional” while creating needs ?
User could
-Add a note
-Mention a specific location where the need is needed
-Mention a price if any for the need
-Attach a document or a photo linked to the need
Why is there a pop up that says a “need” once created cannot be edited ?
This is because the responses that you will receive will be based on the need originally created.If that gets changed then the response may not be for what was the original ask.
Where does a need get posted ?
It has to be shared in at least 1 of your groups.
Does the need get shared in all groups or the ones I choose?
Only those you choose.
Can users share/refer my needs to others?
Yes they can forward your needs over whatsapp. In the next phase of features, we will roll out the option for “non forwardable needs” . For now they are shareable over whatsapp. Forwarding a Need in el RED Groups is part of a future release.
Can I share a need outside of el RED?
Yes on other messaging platforms such as whatsapp, telegram etc
How do I know if my need has been received/fulfilled?
You will get responses to your needs that will come to you as a notification
Where do I get the responses to my needs ?
They will come to you as a notification + within the settings (icon) is a section that lists all your needs and the responses to them are visible within each need.
What are the web suggestions underneath the need I posted ?
Other than “trusted” responses that come from or thru your network, we also give you instant answers on your need from the cloud
Can I mark my need as urgent? Top priority? Can I pay for it? (ig style)
Why is there only an option to respond to a need and why cannot I contact the user who has the need ?
User privacy is paramount for us. As we are literally interconnecting everyone, we cannot have anyone start sending messages or call anyone.
Where can I view all the needs I have posted ?

Where can I view all the responses I may have given to the needs posted by other users ?

I see many cards ? What are these and who are these users ?
These are all the users on the platform. Yes, all. The cards represent a snapshot of their personalities, including display picture, name, title, location and
– Awards they have won
– Any groups that are common between you and user
– Skills, Hobbies, Subjects of interest
– Email, phone, address (if user has chosen to display. By default they are private and need to be “displayed” by user if they wish others to access)
– Social media links
I see the option to “Save cards”. Where are the cards saved that I could refer to ?

When I tap to see a profile, what are these questions ?
These are compulsory questions to be answered when visiting any profile for the first time.
The objective being that over time a repository of authentic ratings builds up for each user.
If a rating is given once to another, can it be changed ?

How does one reach out to those on the platform ?
Only if the user has kept their phone or email visible. We intend to keep the platform as private as possible.
In the near future yes we will open access to messaging only for those who are already in your phone book and or just maybe within networks. WIP
Like in linkedin, do other users get to track who has seen their profile ?
No. No tracking is done. So review as many profiles as you deem necessary.

How do I change my username after it has been created?
It cannot be changed.
Can i edit my details on the profile
Yes the following could be edited
- Display Picture
- Name
- Title
- Organisation name
Location also can be but this edit from the card on the profile
Why don't we allow editing of birthdate and gender ?
We do not because to ensure authenticity so that users cannot change at will
What is this card showing on the profile ?
The cards represent a snapshot of the personalities, including
– Awards they have won
– Any groups / networks you are part of. Showcase your brand value with the network logo featured on your card.
– Skills, Hobbies, Subjects of interest
– Email, phone, address (if user has chosen to display. By default they are private and need to be “displayed” by user if they wish others to access)
– Social media links
What is the Blue Tick on profile ?

Why am I not receiving the OTP for Aadhaar verification, and how can I fix it?
You are requested to kindly
– Ensure the correct aadhar number has been entered
– Ensure this phone number linked to your addhaar
– Ensure the correct OTP for the linked aadhar number has been entered
– If you have locked your aadhar via the M aadhar app, then it would need to be unlocked.
Why can't I change my name after Aadhaar verification?
el RED is all about Authenticity. The platform thus once has confirmed your aadhar verified name, it cannot be undone.
What is this section on “I can offer” ?

How do I change the appearance/layout of my card?
You could choose any of the designs we offer and or upload a picture from your camera / phone gallery.
We believe that an el RED profile is a reflectance of your personality and is your on-the-go personal website and that you could personalise it to your taste.
What is the share icon ?

User and or anyone could share the profile thru other platforms like text / whatsapp
What is the “offerings gallery" ?

You could create a product or service gallery listing details of what you offer.
Where can I see all my responses to others offerings ?

What are the Ratings on the profile ?
Whenever a user visits any other profile for the first time, the user will be expected to mark these two questions. Over a period of time the repository of ratings will grow for each user to then know who is rating whom on ethical behaviour and or has met in person, thus adding authenticity.
What are Testimonials on the profile ?
Long press any comment on your profile and you could convert that to a testimonial.
Upon tapping, the request goes to the person who has commented for approval. When that user approves it, it automatically comes on your profile
What is My Super Power on the profile ?
el RED is a lot about authenticity & personality and not being just a resume. These 4 questions are to us a reflectance of the users authentic personality if the user so chooses to answer it.
What is My bio on the profile ?
Some users may choose to fill in details about themselves and thus this is that.
Can I control who sees my profile?
No. It can be viewed by those on el Red as also those not. Thus do choose to share what you think would be public information.
Can I link social media/other socials to my account or profile?

Networks & Groups
Is there a difference between a network & a group ?
Yes. el RED primarily has networks. Each network will have a minimum of 1 group but could have as many groups within it.
The admin of a network (referred as “super admin”) can assign admin right to group owners.
What are the different admin rights of a Network admin (the super admin) and a group admin ?
– Only the network admin can make a group.
– Both network admin and group admin add, delete or manage members in a group.
– When an admin adds members in a group, they automatically become part of the network.
What is this

It lists all the members in the group.
Can members of one group join other groups ?
Depends on the admin.
Some groups could be restricted, for example a “mumbai” member cannot join a “delhi” group and vice versa if the admins so decide.
However, for example the admin may keep interest groups like “manufacturing” or “tennis” open to all members of the network.
Can members of 1 group view members of other groups ?
No. Users can view group members of only those groups which they are part of.The members that can be viewed are those whose phone numbers and emails are listed by the admins, thus adding authenticity.
Can members message other members within a group or network ?
No. This is because el Red may allow group size to be in thousands or more. If anyone can message anyone, then it either leads to solicitations & invasion of privacy.
How do I join a group ?
The admin of that group has to invite you. Only if your email, phone number as listed by you when you signed up for el RED, matches that used by the admin, do you then get access.
How do I create a network ?
For now we are restricting creation of networks, till the beta testing is done with.
Is there a limit to the amount of groups I can be a part of?
No. You could be part of as many groups.
How do I prioritise my networks if I want them to be shown in a particular order?
The needs that you receive will be based on timestamp and for now you cannot “pin / prioritise” a group.
How can I search for groups or networks that might interest me? Can I join it without being invited?
– Users can only look for groups within a network the user is part of.
– Users cannot look for other networks and their groups that they are not part of.
How secure is el RED ? What do you do with my personal information? Does my personal information get shared? Does el RED share/sell my user data? Who gets access to my phone number and email?
Does anyone get to see my phone book contacts?
Can I hide/ block a profile / user ?
Yes you can. Once you block a user, they will not be able to see your profile, respond to your needs and will not reflect on the networking section.
How can I delete my account?
Tap the setting icon on the home / landing page. The option to delete your account is listed there.
Our support team will review your request and delete the account after 15 days.
Can I reactivate my account after deletion?
Yes you could reactivate within 15 days and all data will be restored. If after 15 days, then a new account would need to be created.
What happens if I report a need/post / profile?
It gets escalated to our support team that oversees all reporting. If the reporting is validated then we shall delete the same as early as possible.
What should I do if I suspect unauthorized access to my account?
Please write to us on info@elred.io with a subject that says “ unauthorized access to my account” and a screenshot of your profile.
What permissions does the app require, and why?
We need permission for
– Accessing your contacts/ phone book to showcase you of your network and access to possible collaboration / needs / responses.
– Notifications to highlight needs, offerings, testimonials approvals
– Accessing your gallery for you to upload the same on your display picture, profile, needs and responses.
What are the steps to recover my account if I lost access to my email and phone number?
Write to us at info@elred.io